parallel acts

hangout space

The hangout space is accessible to anyone who wants to rest between attending other activities or to browse and engage with the content of the books, magazines and articles of the ephemeral library. A printer will also be present in the same area, offering copying and scanning services.

audio notebooks

audio notebooks is a two-fold parallel audio installation that concerns working modalities of two collectives. Specifically, systering and WordMord, respond to a short questionnaire which is common to each group. audio notebooks will keep us company throughout the three-day symposium. 


WordMord is an transdisciplinary artistic research process that explores the complex ways in which language, the body and technology intertwine with trauma and violence, but also with pleasure and sexuality. WordMord seeks the possibilities of deconstructing and destabilizing hegemonic patriarchal language by shedding light on the performative and material/physical dimensions of words and language.

WordMord evolves through workshops, presentations and collaborative artistic projects:

WordMord_a performative reading in the seminar ‘Feminist Practices in the Public Space at the Era of Globalised Technologies’, organized by the Centre of New Media and Feminist Public Practices, Volos GR; Let´s Assemble Our Wordy Arms _a performative laboratory,  Haus der Statistik, Berlin; WordComminutes_a workshop on crashing language, EIGHT/ΤΟ ΟΚΤΩ, critical institute for arts and politics, Athens; Dear [neutral] language (…), an online workshop on varia platform, Rotterdam; Manyfesto or how to dirtystruct the lexicon by WordMord {onlania tentacle} in the exhibition Weaving Worlds, ACG Art Gallery, Athens; Double Single by Komminuτέρας_music gang, online archive in the framework of the project Year of the Women*, Schwules Museum (SMU), Berlin; Glωssic Encounters, performative presentation, Slavs and Tatars project space, Berlin; Glossic Isnaf, intermedia installation in the exhibition Plásmata ΙΙ: Ioannina/οrganized by Onassis Cultural Center Athens; The Poem Returns as an Echo: Dialogues with Theresa Hak Kyung Cha (1951-1982) ΙΣΕΤ- The Contemporary Greek Art Institute, annex of the National Gallery of Athens; No one annotation less/Annotating femicide: queer/feminist reading group & collective tooling workshop by WordMord {annotation tentacle}, AMOQA (Athens Museum of Queer Arts), Athens 

systering is a collective of cultural workers, writers, dramaturges, choreographers, and curators arriving from diverse contexts, practicing collective thinking and writing. Aiming at practices of comradeship, sistering, and critical collaboration, they share an interest in feminism, institutional critique, labor, and precarity. They have published the collectively written book “Systering” as part of the fourth cycle of the Critical Practice (Made in YU) program.

playing with the machine

Throughout the three-day symposium, Pierre’s sewing machine will be on site for those who wish to ‘play with the machine’ and make a tank top for free. Pierre will also be there to guide the sewing shenanigans of those interested. Please register at the sewing machine stand by selecting the time slot that suits you.

collective lunches

Throughout the three-day symposium, Dora and Nefeli prepare lunches. The menu is vegetarian.

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